TOILET: Pour between 40 and 50 ml directly on the interior walls, rub with a brush or sponge, leave to act for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse.
SINK, BATHTUB AND BIDET: It can be used diluted (30 ml for each liter of water)* or directly using a cloth or scourer. Rub, leave to act between 5 and 10 minutes and rinse. In direct use it is recommended to wear gloves.
*Equivalent to 1000 parts per million chlorine (0.1% active chlorine).
FLOORS AND WALLS: Dilute 140 ml of BLEACH in a bucket of water (5 litres)*. With this solution, scrub the surfaces with a cloth or mop.
*Equivalent to 1000 parts per million chlorine (0.1% active chlorine).